Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Texas Company to Pay $100 Million for Export Violations to Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Other Countries

BUREAU OF INDUSTRY AND SECURITYFor Immediate Release: November 26, 2013

Texas Company to Pay $100 Million for Export Violations to

Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Other Countries

Fine is largest civil penalty ever levied by the Bureau of Industry and Security

WASHINGTON, D.C.- The U.S. Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) today announced Weatherford International Ltd. in Houston, Texas, and four of its subsidiaries (collectively, "Weatherford") have agreed to pay a $50 million civil penalty following allegations that Weatherford exported oil and gas equipment to Iran, Syria and Cuba in violation of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations (ITSR). BIS also alleged that Weatherford exported items controlled for nuclear non-nonproliferation reasons to Venezuela and Mexico. The fine is the largest civil penalty ever levied by BIS.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Ecuador Can't Afford This

It Doesn’t Matter if Ecuador Can Afford This Dam. China Still Gets Paid.

A giant dam was supposed to help lift Ecuador out of poverty. Instead, it’s part of a national scandal, and a future tethered to China.

CreditCreditFederico Rios Escobar for The New York Times

By Nicholas Casey and Clifford Krauss

REVENTADOR, Ecuador — The dam sits under the glare of an active volcano, with columns of ash spewing toward the sky. 
The Reventador volcano spewing ash near the dam.CreditFederico Rios Escobar for The New York Times
Now, only two years after opening, thousands of cracks are splintering the dam’s machinery. Its reservoir is clogged with silt, sand and trees. And the only time engineers tried to throttle up the facility completely, it shook violently and shorted out the national electricity grid.
This giant dam in the jungle, financed and built by China, was supposed to christen Ecuador’s vast ambitions, solve its energy needs and help lift the small South American country out of poverty.

Officials had warned against the dam for decades. Geologists said an earthquake could wipe it away.
The Reventador volcano spewing ash near the dam.CreditFederico Rios Escobar for The New York Times...

Friday, May 3, 2019

Charities worth a Must

Current Partners

Donors who donated in 2018 thru today.
Our donors are our “partners”—people who care about our community and are willing to make a difference. We call them partners because that’s just what they are; part of a collaborative effort as we pool funds and resources together to give bigger and better for our community.
must! charities exists because of these partners. We value strength in numbers and take a grassroots, “barn-raising” approach by bringing a community together to make big things happen. This collaboration is rooted in mutual respect for our partners’ goals, passions, and efforts.
Thank you to our partners, for your willingness to join us, hand-in-hand, as we unite the local community and make a sustainable, cooperative impact in the lives of those around us.
To join our team of partners, click here.

Visionary Partners

Businesses & Individuals that have incorporated must! charities in their day-to-day lives & operations, by giving a portion of their proceeds, introducing special products benefiting must! charities, or by donating $10K annually.

Business Patrons

Businesses that have given a generous one-time gift to must! charities.


Individuals who support must! charities through their personal means.
  • Allrich, Ted
  • Andersen, Stacy
  • Aronson, Spencer & Margaret
  • Azari, Darius and Marc
  • Babcock, Kimberly
  • Bagby, Lori
  • Bays, Richard
  • Bayzick, Joseph & Nancy
  • Beckett, Josh & Gibsey
  • Bell, Tim & Michelle
  • Benedict, Lawrence
  • Biaggini, Jonni
  • Bidgoli, Bonnie
  • Blount, Daniel
  • Boorman, Laura
  • Brynildson, Matt & Allison
  • Budd, Jennifer
  • Buttery, James
  • Buys, William and Erin
  • Bywater, David
  • Carscaden, Jeff & Peggi
  • Changala, Jean & Heidi
  • Cheshire, Michelle
  • Coplen, Sarah
  • Cormany, Kyle
  • Cotta, Mark & Michelle
  • Couture, Chris
  • Dadabhoy, Imtiaz
  • Davis, Lisa Lu MD
  • De Ballard, Isabel
  • De Jong, Caralyn
  • Deiro, Mark
  • Denissen, William & Teresa
  • Dennis, Gary
  • Dewit, Michael and Andrea
  • Di Francesco, Vicki
  • Drinkard, Marijane
  • Dunn, Meghan
  • Elmerick, Scott & Kellee
  • Emery-Drayton, Andrea
  • Everett, Arthur
  • Eyster, Kevin
  • Fiorentini, Emanuele & Jordan
  • Fiske, Nancy
  • Fontana, David
  • From, Russell & Vailia
  • Garrett, Todd and Diane
  • Gatto, Andrew & Susan
  • Gentry, Jeremy
  • Gill, Margaret
  • Glick, Sharon
  • Goldbach, Richard
  • Grant, Bill
  • Gray, Linda
  • Gray, Randy & Becky
  • Gray, Robert & Lynn
  • Hamers, Mindy
  • Hamilton, Harry
  • Hamilton, Harry and Jessica
  • Hilbert, Anne
  • Hill, Phillip
  • Hilligoss, Christopher
  • Holley, Theodore & Ann
  • Hope, Chuck & Marlyn
  • Hope, Thomas
  • Hostetter, John
  • Howland, Richard
  • Humes, Kelly
  • Hutton, Don & Cathy
  • Jarrett, Mike
  • Joyce, Jason
  • Kensinger, Tim
  • Keohen, Kiley
  • Kim, Donald
  • Kisenwether, Cathy
  • Kisenwether, James & Edna
  • Kishiyama Family
  • Koepke, Ruth
  • Koerber, Roseann
  • Krauss, Albert & Jodi
  • Leonard, Ann
  • Leveille, Paul
  • Lewis, Alberta
  • Lewis, John & Wendy
  • Lewis, Mailee and Wyatt
  • Lim, John
  • Lloyd, Dan & Mona
  • Macomber, SK
  • Magda, Allyson
  • Maraccini, Nicholette
  • Marzorini, Roy
  • Mason, Mackenzie
  • Matherly, Kevin
  • McGranahan, PJ
  • Metzler, Jennifer
  • Mikelonis, Barbara
  • Miller, Will & Deb
  • Morrill, Jessica
  • Moynihan, Robert & Margaret
  • Nazaretian, Linda
  • Ng, Lesie
  • Ordonez, March
  • Orlando, Salvatore & Dorothy
  • Ouimette, Dale
  • Pecot, Jared & Brooks
  • Pickering, Jacob & Jessie
  • Pierce, Eric
  • Pierce, Gayle
  • Potwin, Lincoln
  • Rawitser, Mike
  • Ray, Cecily
  • Redd, Jason & Cinnamon
  • Rice, James
  • Riner, Kymberly
  • Roda, Jason
  • Rossi, Robin
  • Rush, Berle & Patricia
  • Rush, Gary
  • Sanders, Jason
  • Seay, Jennifer
  • Secchioaroli, Tracy and Rich
  • Semmes, Turko and BJ
  • SH Squared Cares
  • Shannon, Sue
  • Simas, Brian
  • Simas, Brian
  • Smith, Pebble & Terry
  • Smyth, Larry
  • Starr, Judith
  • Stelloh, Ren & Toni
  • Swank, Donald & Ruth
  • Switzer, Paul & Janis
  • Taylor, Barry
  • Taylor, Rich
  • Taylor, Travis & Victoria
  • Thomas, Roy
  • Thompson, Tom
  • Thorsen, Trevor
  • Toma, Les & Yvonne
  • Toole, Jim & Deb
  • Tres Hermanas Trust
  • Tynes, Harold & Margaret
  • Vamos, Richard
  • Van Buren, Peter
  • Van Vleck, Keith and Cindee
  • Vega, Kim
  • Vosseller, William
  • Walkup, Charles & Pat
  • Wang, Wei Fang
  • Waska, James & Karen
  • Waylett, Thomas & Lindsey
  • Webster, John & Yvonne
  • Welch, Greig
  • Wells, Jim & Judy
  • West, Tod
  • Wilemski, Michael
  • Willson, David & Sonia
  • Wilson, Alexander & Laura
  • Winkler, Paul & Katie
  • Witt-Gilbride, Tricia
  • Woods, Robert
  • Yamada, Lloyd
  • Zoller, Signe

In Kind Patron

Businesses and individuals who donate their services on behalf of must! charities.

Legacy Patrons

We lost the following individuals whose legacy will continue through must! charities project giving.
  • In Memory Of Abigail Hoats
  • In Memory Of Annette Cassidy
  • In Memory Of Bibiche Peck
  • In Memory of Dollie Duval
  • In Memory Of Jack Peschong
  • In Memory Of John Roberts
  • In Memory Of Joseph "Jack" Morales
  • In Memory of Katie Warner
  • In Memory of Ted Burgess
  • In Memory of Vermelle Sporleder

Honorary Patrons

A gift has been made in the name of the following people:
  • Branch, Guy Jr. & Teresa
  • Dahlen, Kenneth
  • Dahlen, Rachel
  • Davis, Brad & Dana
  • Hensley, Brittany
  • Locklin, Matthew
  • Mueller, Jason
  • Otteson, Rebecca
  • Pederson, Pat & Kim
  • Pham, Chuong
  • Ross, Dan
  • The Accounting Team at Michael Dusi Trucking
  • Varia, Antonio & Kasia